My Fantasy MMORPG

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My Fantasy MMORPG

A community of people who want to create a great fantasy online role playing game.
What's your fantasy?

    -The Experience of Leveling-


    Posts : 275
    Join date : 2009-02-27
    Age : 34
    Location : United States

    Sticky -The Experience of Leveling-

    Post by Kejin March 12th 2009, 5:47 pm

    Leveling will not be retartedly easy, we want the mildly above average dedicated gamers to reach end game, not limited to the elitists. I don't want endless grinding though 100s of levels, in fact I want people of all levels to be able to "mess around" and still be awarded xp and levels.

    Lets say you want to pvp, players will give xp like mobs, quests to kill players will give xp like quests for mobs. Just do whatever you want (besides trade/marketing), and enough of it and you'll reach endgame.

    Lvls 1-9 will be tutorial levels

    Lvl 1 The tutorial will have the player practice his first move unto a dummy. Then there will be a quest to defeat other trainies (players or npcs) in duels. The duels themselves don't reward experience, but just winning the duels will count for completing the quest. Completing the 2 (or more) quests should be rewarding enough to advance the player to level 2.

    Lvl 2-9 The player will have a delivery quest to an inn or somewhere of importance to the player to explain how the system works. Then the player will be walked through other places of importance. This could be up to 5 quests depending on how involved we make places of interest. The player will be asked to seek the town head (the guy involved with serious issues, mayor/king/general/etc). The person in charge will state a problem with one of their settlements nearby and have you go over there. From there, there will be a handfull of people with their own issues involving a bunch of conflicts (the cause being related). The player will have enough tasks to do to lvl up to lvl 9. The chains should start with solving the problem at hand, then going for the source of the problem (preventing it from happening again). By the time they get to the final task (which will be a lot harder) the player should be somewhere in the lvl 9. The quest should be to kill the person leading the enemies, should be a group quest, requiring 2-3 people. The xp should boost the player close to or to lvl 10, where the player will have a lot more things to do.

    Lvl 10 Will be a major checkpoint for the player. The player will have to start doing more advanced stuff at this point. (Picking a faction, start specializing in a tree, pick a job/proffesion, etc)

    10+ will be treated with more seriousness.

      Current date/time is October 16th 2024, 6:25 am