My Fantasy MMORPG

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My Fantasy MMORPG

A community of people who want to create a great fantasy online role playing game.
What's your fantasy?



    Posts : 301
    Join date : 2009-03-05
    Age : 33
    Location : Forth Wall

    Anouncement Battlegrounds

    Post by Chisami June 3rd 2009, 12:36 pm

    I didn't think at the start of all this that i'd give a good damn about this asspect of the game but last week of school and I have nothing better to do during reviews Sleep err teacher won't let me sleep >.> k so I have 4 battle grounds created at this time i'll upload them after school when I have time

    Posts : 301
    Join date : 2009-03-05
    Age : 33
    Location : Forth Wall

    Anouncement Re: Battlegrounds

    Post by Chisami June 3rd 2009, 5:25 pm

    Disclaimer -I did not bother to Proofread-

    War Time training 50 players each side - Victory - Must either Kill oppseing leader, cut off supples to food and water - kill entire amry (5 million at start 10k given to reach side every hour) Resorces food given by close proxity to animal / farmland, water - clean sorce of water, armor/weapons more mines you have for a longer period of time the better buffs are given - Lumber tress can be cut down every X amount of trees helps build a outpost where buffs healing and food can be recived (estmated total time per match 5 hours)

    Team Fight to the death

    50 teams of 3 are droped in a large area with water sand or heavly wooded areas last team standing is the victore (est time 1-2 hours)

    Capture the Flag 10 man each side meddum size wooded area 2 middle netural outposts can be captured by either sde fires flares and "neon paint" at eminmes (making them easier to spot) if at least 1 person is maning the area Capturing the flag is worth 1 point 3 points is victory

    Bomber 5 Man

    Plant a bomb in the oppsing teams base (installing bomb takes 2mintues) 4 places to install bombs. underground routes teleporting in and out or breaking down there front door

    Capture the Node - Total of 40 Nodes 1 hour timelimit at end of the time limit person with most nodes is the victore. After having a node for 5mintutes "defesive robtic dective drones" can be built 3 at each node before player capture (strong as mini boss) 10 people each team

      Current date/time is October 16th 2024, 6:31 am